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How Do We Make it Stick

by Joseph Carlson

The Republican National Convention is finally over and it was very strange.  With all the reports coming out about opponents of Donald Trump trying to block his delegate votes and his wife stealing her speech not to mention the fact that Ted Cruz did not endorse Donald Trump it's been a wild ride to say the least.

If you look at the Democratic side it's hasn't been sunshine and roses.  Wikileaks obtained documents written by the DNC that suggest that they were going to actively go after and discredit Bernie Sanders.  It even mentioned using his religion against him.  The chair of the DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz is now stepping down because of the scandal.  Oh, and The State Department is still looking into the Clinton email scandal.  If they find any wrongdoing they could pull her security clearance of Clinton and some of her staff.

This is an opinion piece and this is solely mine alone but now more then ever it is evident to me that the deck is stacked against me as a middle class worker.  I always sit down with my friends and family and talk about this stuff at dinners or family gatherings and the subject of corruption comes up and at the end of the day most people I know agree with me.  Politically, everyone sides with their party of choice at the end though.  Even when they know that their party or candidate is corrupt.

It's gotten to the point now that people just shake their head.  It's almost like no one can ignore this anymore.  We all point to the media being biased and some news outlets are.  They seem to lean one way or another, but it's come to the point now with all of this news breaking that it doesn't seem to matter what side you are on, the deck is stacked against the American people.

The thing is I don't want to give up.  I don't want to sit here complacent.  I want to tell my congressman what I care about, but I feel that because of the things that I wrote above that it may not count.  I want to continue to write about this stuff though.  It's almost like in last weeks column when I talked about wanting to listen to people, but this time it's like I want to become more active.  It's like I have political fatigue.

I've had political fatigue before.  Usually around every election it hits me.  I read so much news and information that I just get overloaded and stop all together.  Well it's happening again, but this time it seems way worse because of all the events that are happening in the world.  Based on statistics it would seem that this is all normal, that nothing is worse then it has been before, but it seems like I'm more aware of it now.  The news talks about the same thing over and over again.

I am reading the news now looking for the bad and that is terrible.  If there was some way that I could maybe make my brain not worry about this thing that would be great.  I hope that I can maybe stop looking for the bad things to happen.  Hopefully, I won't be as fatigued.

I think that maybe if I keep writing about these subjects that maybe someone will think about these issues and talk about it with their friends.  Maybe that's the best we have.  As long as we're talking.

Let me know below what you think below.


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